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Board of Directors

Interest Rates Certified by Datatrac

Unlike for-profit financial institutions, the GP Federal Credit Union Board of Directors is comprised of unpaid volunteers elected by and from among the membership. They represent your best interests by performing key audit and decision-making functions and setting the strategic direction of the credit union. Each represents the credit union's various employee groups as well as the community we serve.

Board MemberPositionEmployee GroupServing Since
Mark TrammellChairGeorgia Power2014
Diana SandsVice-ChairProfile Custom Extrusions2020
Alison PalmerSecretaryHaralson County Government2018
Robert (Bobby) CollinsTreasurerGP Federal Credit Union2021
William DorseyDirectorGeorgia Power2020
Doug AllenDirectorGeorgia Power (Retired)2020
Cathy KerceDirectorJEM Mfg. Inc.2022
Kristy ShepardDirectorCity of Rome2022
Sarah HuffmanDirectorCity of Rome2022
Stacy HardyAssociate DirectorFloyd County Schools2023
Jerry PattyDirector EmeritusGeorgia Power (Retired)30+ Years


Supervisory Committee 
Doug AllenChair
Amy WorthingtonSecretary
Linda HoustonMember


Excellent service. Everything was convenient and done in a timely manner. Highly recommend to friends and family.
Zerick, Member

Providing Genuinely
Personal Service Since 1935